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Counselling and psychotherapy offer a safe setting in which people can talk over their experiences of a wide range of issues that are troubling them, both past and present.


We are two experienced psychoanalytic psychotherapists based around Leicester. Although we practice independently of each other, we previously worked as specialist psychotherapists in the NHS. You can find out more about us by reviewing our profiles.

(Just click on our names in the menu above).


Working in the NHS has given us a broad experience of most of the psychological difficulties that cause people  anxiety and pain. We have found psychoanalytic psychotherapy to be a helpful approach and we aim to provide reliable psychotherapy without the time constraints that can sometimes now be found in the NHS.


As individual practitioners, we offer:


  • Individual counselling and psychotherapy – brief and long-term

  • Teaching in the theory and practice of psychotherapy

  • Work-based reflective practice groups and team consultations

  • Clinical supervision of other therapists and counsellors


In summary:


  • We believe that psychoanalytic psychotherapy is a helpful and well-established approach for many people

  • We aim to provide a high standard of psychoanalytic psychotherapy for those people who will benefit from it

  • We have the experience to know the limits of the psychoanalytic approach and when referral for a different form of help is needed

  • Our partnership is a rich source of expertise that enables us to co-operate in offering a good quality service



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